Thursday, 3 August 2017

The Advantages Of Java for Design

Learning to code in a new language, on a new platform, involves a tremendous investment of time and effort. Is learning Java worth it? Below are some of the best reasons to use Java.

1) Write Once, Run Anywhere

This maxim – “write once, run anywhere” – is by design the heart and soul of the Java platform. The benefits this has to offer should be pretty easy to grasp. Cross-platform compatibility is the promise at the center of Java. Write one application that works in Java and you can use it in endless different environments.

It certainly helps that Java platform support is becoming nearly universal in the modern computing ecosystem. Those few operating systems that don’t already support Java are making strides to integrate it seamlessly. Java is a core component of all popular web browsers, which gives it a global reach anywhere the internet is used. Native Java support is even being incorporated into “smart” devices like smart TVs, set-top boxes, cell phones, and tablets.

2) Security

Java also delivers robust security features that every programmer should find useful. Security-friendly architecture is built into both the language and the platform from the ground up. Java allows the end user to download code from any online connection and use it only within a secure environment where the untrusted code cannot do any damage. Viruses, file writing, and all sorts of malicious behavior cannot make the jump from Java to the hardware running it. This is a noteworthy security feature which separates Java from most – if not all – of its competitors.

In the Java 2 Platform, security is an even higher priority. Java 2 provides more extensive and configurable security restrictions that function on more than just applets. The Java 1.2 update allows users to set permissions that will protect a host system from unintended behavior in any code module – applets, servlets, full Java applications, or JavaBeans components.

The security features of Java (both the language and the platform) have benefitted from concerted scrutiny from a global community of security professionals. Bugs which negatively impact the security of Java are promptly identified and patched. At this point, security risks in Java are big news simply because of how rare they have become. Though Java, like any environment, cannot promise total security, it comes closer to that ideal goal than virtually any other platform. Extensive use in countless different contexts has proved that Java is more than secure enough for reliable, day-to-day use.

3) Network-Centric Programming

Sun Microsystems was always dedicated to prioritizing the network over the individual computer, and that focus on networking is readily apparent in the structure of Java.

The entire platform is built to live in a network-centric environment. That means programmers find it easier than ever before to take advantage of networked resources and build applications that run flawlessly in multi-tiered or client/server-based models. Now that this sort of “always on” network focus is becoming the rule rather than the exception, Java programmers enjoy a significant advantage over those using less network-friendly languages.

4) Programs That Expand, Change, And Grow

Java is designed to be both extensible and dynamic. Its code falls into object-oriented families called classes. Classes are stored separately and the Java interpreter calls on each class only when it is required. Applications assess their class needs while running and can load or discard classes as necessary. This makes it easy to extend new functionality as required by simply loading new classes on the fly.

Thanks to the network-centric principles already discussed, Java applications can perform this dynamic extension using remote class resources linked through a network. This makes applications into agile collections of interlinked components rather than monolithic code blocks. When taken to its logical conclusion, this new design philosophy introduces a truly revolutionary new model of design and development for your applications.

5) Global Compatibility

Another wise ground-up feature that gives Java an advantage is a day-one interest in internationalization. International considerations are fundamental to Java, and the necessary tools for it are built into the core feature set instead of being bolted on afterward.

Many extant programming languages stick with 8-bit characters that have room only for English and similar European languages. Java works from the start with 16-bit Unicode characters, an architecture with space for phonetic alphabets and character sets from all over the globe. Java’s internationalization-friendly features extend beyond low-level considerations like ample character representation. There are useful tools for internationalization occurring throughout the platform, making Java the ideal choice for projects with a global perspective.

6) Performance

As described earlier, Java programs do not run in machine language. They are instead compiled into an intermediate format called byte codes. These instructions are fed into the Java Virtual Machine to execute a program. While this puts Java at a slight disadvantage to machine-language programs like those written in C or C++, it makes it significantly faster than languages which live in a purely interpreted space. Note that not every part of the Java platform uses byte codes. Computationally-complex tasks on the Java platform are broken down into native machine code for efficiency. String manipulation is a perfect example.

In its earliest releases, Java had significant performance problems. The Java VM has improved its speed benchmarks with each new release. There have been significant efforts in many areas to optimize and tune the Java VM. There are even common implementations which use a just-in-time compiler to allow for seamless transition between byte codes and machine language. With a strong JIT compiler, a tuned Java program can deliver execution speed comparable to the performance of C and C++ applications.

At one time, performance was a significant sticking point that kept hesitant programmers from adopting Java. The improvements that have been made on the road to Java 1.2 have made most performance concerns a thing of the past. Today, the blend of performance and portability make Java a clear winner with unique advantages that cannot be captured using any other language.

7) Efficiency And Speed

Possibly the best reason to use Java is that it is programmer-friendly. It offers brilliant APIs and potent elegance. Programmers that take the time to learn Java are regularly impressed by how quickly and easily it delivers the results they’re looking for. Studies have verified that Java improves programmer efficiency. Programmers complete projects faster and deliver better code when they use Java. That translates into shorter development cycles and fewer bugs.

If you have more need to be convinced Capita IT Resourcing has plenty to say on Java related matters.

The post The Advantages Of Java for Design appeared first on Sixthlife.

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