Looking to get a job in the interesting and lucrative IT world? Well, fortunately if you have the skills there are plenty. So, here are some tips to succeed.
Attend Industry Meetings
The best people to talk to about tech jobs are those already working in the industry. They can offer guidance and serve as mentors, assisting you as you start your tech career. Where do you find these people? There are industry groups that have local college chapters. Many of these groups offer mentoring programs. When you contact the group be upfront about your need for advice, they’ll be able to answer many of your questions.
Explore Various Tech Job Roles
Many techies enter the field without knowing the vast number of roles available in IT. Why should you commit to studying programming when networks might be a better fit for you? The industry group CompTIA, has a TechCareer Compass. This still-evolving tool can help you sort through all of the possibilities.
Learn HTML
Learning HTML, the language used to display web pages, is the first step you need to take if you want to move beyond browsing the internet. Information architects, technical writers, and programmers are expected to know HTML.
Read Computer Books
Start visiting the computer books sections of your local bookstore or library. In a megastore, you may find hundreds of computer books, some covering obscure topics. Peruse the titles and find books about specific industry topics such as networking and programming. Reading these books can help you explore the various types of industry jobs.
Write a Program
As a technology pro, programming is an essential skill. There are scores of programming languages that exist, such as Java, C++, Visual Basic and C#. To get started in programming, the quickest way is by learning JavaScript since all you’ll need is a text-editing program, a web browser, and help from an online tutorial.
Install Linux
By installing and running the Linux operating system you accomplish several things. The most important of these is learning about an OS other than Windows and learning about the open sources software movement.
For more information:
Even if you’re a complete newbie, you don’t have to stay that way. Find people who need computer assistance, like an older relative. Helping people with their computer problems can test your ability to clearly communicate information about technology which is an essential skill for a tech professional. You can also volunteer your newly acquired computer expertise to community groups, religious organizations or non-profits.
Contribute to an Open Source Project
You don’t have to be a pro with MySQL or PHP to contribute to an open source project. The open source movement always has a need for people who can write documentation, stamp out bugs and assist in other ways. These contributions will encourage you to learn more about the techie life and aid you making useful contacts.
Job Boards
There are plenty of job boards around and knowing where to look can make a big difference. Take a look at this one at Capita IT Resourcing and see the potential.
Enroll in a Workshop or Course
There are many entry-level courses and workshops in programming, networking and Web development. Check your local technology training centers, community colleges and universities. You can also look for online training courses which are a cost effective ways to gain a quick insight into the field.
Build a Web Site
Use your knowledge of JavaScript and HTML to build you own website. Don’t use those automated homepage builders. Instead, use your website as an experiment. Have fun and focus on learning the tools, rather than trying to impress with glitzy graphics.
How to Get a Job in IT
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