Protected Links WordPress Addon can help you created Protected Links from inside WordPress post or page.
It is a WordPress addon for “Protected Links – Expiring Download Links” PHP Script that helps you create Links that expire by time, attempts, based on IP Address etc.
It is especially useful if you want to send a protected link to a file that expires in say 1 attempt or 1 day and you do not want to create each link manually.
Protected Links WordPress Addon Usage
If you send your newsletters from Aweber
you can create a custom variable for the protected link URL in aweber.
Use the custom variable in your newsletter that will be sent immediately after a user subscribes.
generate html form containing the custom variable.
Add this form to a WordPress page or post.
Add a Protected Link to the form using the shortocde [plink url=”” name=”” expiry=”” attempts=””]
Test It by subscribing to the form.
Your user will receive the email with download link if you have set the custom variable in your newsletter.
You can still see the stats and all parameters associated from the Protected Links Admin Area.
WP Courseware is a Learning Management and Online Courses Management WordPress Plugin. It lets you create Unlimited Courses, Unlimited Modules, Unlimited Lessons, Unlimited Quizzes, Unlimited Surveys and Unlimited Students.
SixthLife Excel Import Addon
This is WP Courseware – Learning Management System Addon that lets you Import Excel Files (.xlsx) in addition to the CSV files. It also enhances Questions import by adding them to existing quiz or new quiz.
Steps to Use the Plugin
Upload the “SixthLife Excel Import Addon” the Plugin to wp-content/plugins directory.
Activate the Plugin and make sure WP Courseware Plugin is also active
Go to Training Courses->Import/Export inside WordPress Admin
Import An Excel File containing questions for quizzes in the formats i.e True False, Multiple Answers, Single etc.
You can find the Quizzes created with respective Questions from excel OR Questions added to existing Quiz as applicable.
DELT is a St. Louis creative agency and it continues to provide quality work for their clients since 2014 when it was founded. It continues to be in top 25 lists of St. Louis Web Designers till date. It not only has a good online presence and provides good user experience on their company’s website but also has done many projects and has provided value to their clients in the St. Louis Area.
DELT is a creative agency that has capability to handle a Project from start to end and offers all of the essential digital services that a client may need to fully establish them online.
DELT Web Design Core Strengths
Print and graphic designs, video editing for effective advertising and marketing
Strategic marketing and advertising plan
Portfolio & Prestigious Clients
If you are based in St. Louis and know MCCHESNEY & ORTWERTH, Uncle Sam’s American Lager or Gateway Roofing Solutions you have a good reference of what DELT Guys can do for your company’s branding and online presence. DELT has done banners, marketing material and graphics for these well known brands. They can create a solid structure for the future of your company by attracting your target market and increasing your customer base.
DELT can Increase Web Presence
People who have their websites online know that it matters whether their website is searchable on the internet or not. Delt can develop websites that are search engine friendly and can attract organic. This can keep you ahead of competition. Responsive and SEO-driven framework used by DELT helps your website to be easily found in search engines. For those who are interested in “What Delt does to increase search engine visibility”. Some of the tools they use are blogging, email marketing, inbound marketing, link building, local seo, national seo, social media marketing etc.
The unconventional name for a Web Design Company “DELT” has a story behind it. Delt Web Design was founded in Memory of Dominic Elking & Tyler “LT” Sindelar. It has initial letters from two of Matt McKenna friends who were very dear to him.
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to picking out an industrial computer.
When compared with regular PCS sold on the market, they are built to higher standards because they require customization based upon factors such as ease of integration, speed of processing, and the type of industry within which the computer will be used.
How To Select The Right Computer
Computers are an expensive purchase so it’s especially important to pick the right one. If you buy a computer that doesn’t have the right features or even one that’s too advanced, you will lose money because you’ll either have to replace it soon or you will pay too much in the beginning. Here are some good tips.
Benefits For Business
Currently, the shop floors most Industries industrial computers in place. They’re used for a wide variety of tasks including safety applications, management of inventory, controlling machines, and factory automation. There are immediate benefits even though the initial investment can be steep due to the automation of tasks. This application reduces the cost of manual labor.
Wear And Tear On Industrial Computers
Industrial computers continually operate and may be subject to harsh environments. This type of use can be hard on them. Breakdowns can lead to losses in production so it’s important to get an on-site warranty in order to speed the repair process.However, there are steps you can take to protect yourself from digital breaches and to ensure minimal wear.
Position the computer in an area free from dust. If you can’t do this, then use a dust cover.
If the computer will be continually typed upon, it’s worth investing in a more rugged keyboard.
Place your computer in an area with cooler temperatures. If you can’t, then get a computer with temperature control built in it.
In order to prevent digital breaches, make sure that your data is password protected and that the computer is continually monitored.
Using Your Industrial Computer Efficiently
Most business operations find that multiple tasks can be easily performed on a single computer For example, the same computer can operate the lights, security gate, and the conveyor belt. Your operations will be more efficient as you automated additional tasks.
Looking to get a job in the interesting and lucrative IT world? Well, fortunately if you have the skills there are plenty. So, here are some tips to succeed.
Attend Industry Meetings
The best people to talk to about tech jobs are those already working in the industry. They can offer guidance and serve as mentors, assisting you as you start your tech career. Where do you find these people? There are industry groups that have local college chapters. Many of these groups offer mentoring programs. When you contact the group be upfront about your need for advice, they’ll be able to answer many of your questions.
Explore Various Tech Job Roles
Many techies enter the field without knowing the vast number of roles available in IT. Why should you commit to studying programming when networks might be a better fit for you? The industry group CompTIA, has a TechCareer Compass. This still-evolving tool can help you sort through all of the possibilities.
Learn HTML
Learning HTML, the language used to display web pages, is the first step you need to take if you want to move beyond browsing the internet. Information architects, technical writers, and programmers are expected to know HTML.
Read Computer Books
Start visiting the computer books sections of your local bookstore or library. In a megastore, you may find hundreds of computer books, some covering obscure topics. Peruse the titles and find books about specific industry topics such as networking and programming. Reading these books can help you explore the various types of industry jobs.
Write a Program
As a technology pro, programming is an essential skill. There are scores of programming languages that exist, such as Java, C++, Visual Basic and C#. To get started in programming, the quickest way is by learning JavaScript since all you’ll need is a text-editing program, a web browser, and help from an online tutorial.
Install Linux
By installing and running the Linux operating system you accomplish several things. The most important of these is learning about an OS other than Windows and learning about the open sources software movement.
For more information:
Even if you’re a complete newbie, you don’t have to stay that way. Find people who need computer assistance, like an older relative. Helping people with their computer problems can test your ability to clearly communicate information about technology which is an essential skill for a tech professional. You can also volunteer your newly acquired computer expertise to community groups, religious organizations or non-profits.
Contribute to an Open Source Project
You don’t have to be a pro with MySQL or PHP to contribute to an open source project. The open source movement always has a need for people who can write documentation, stamp out bugs and assist in other ways. These contributions will encourage you to learn more about the techie life and aid you making useful contacts.
Job Boards
There are plenty of job boards around and knowing where to look can make a big difference. Take a look at this one at Capita IT Resourcing and see the potential.
Enroll in a Workshop or Course
There are many entry-level courses and workshops in programming, networking and Web development. Check your local technology training centers, community colleges and universities. You can also look for online training courses which are a cost effective ways to gain a quick insight into the field.
Build a Web Site
Use your knowledge of JavaScript and HTML to build you own website. Don’t use those automated homepage builders. Instead, use your website as an experiment. Have fun and focus on learning the tools, rather than trying to impress with glitzy graphics.
When it comes to manual deployment, there are a lot of cons, which is why you should make the switch to automated deployment. In fact, there are many benefits that automated deployment has to offer. If you want to know what some of these benefits are, then continue to read the rest of this article.
Less Errors And More Repeatable
Humans are prone to making errors, which is why manual deployments are prone to errors. There are important steps that must be followed in a release, and sometimes these steps can be missed or something may not be spotted. Incorrect versions of software may be shipped and sure you may recover from this, but there’s a chance you will be left feeling embarrassed.
Automated deployments are less error prone. When you have configured everything, the release will be the same every time it is initiated. It doesn’t matter if it’s the first time or the one-hundredth time, you can rest assure the process will be the same.
Anyone Can Deploy Software
Anyone on your team can deploy software, and usually when it comes to performing partially-automated deployments or manual deployments, a small number of people in the organization does it. This isn’t good because if one person is not in on a specific day or they are sick and take time off, then releasing can become a major hassle. Automated deployment takes away that stress because anyone can initiate a release. This blog from Capita IT professional services makes for interesting reading.
Spend More Time Developing Software
Manual deployment is a task that takes up a lot of time, and developers and testers could be spending time working on software instead of working on deployment processes. However, automated deployment allows them to focus on other tasks, and deployments can be initiated within seconds. Engineers and developers should be able to focus on creating awesome software, and automated deployment allows them to do just that.
It’s Not A Headache
When it comes to deploying somewhere new, things can become a headache. At least that’s the case when it comes to manually doing it, but automated deployment allows the machines to be changed very easily. Plus, the overhead associated with deploying to a new environment or if you need to create something in a new installation, can be high. However, automated deployment allows you to save overhead and get things done more efficiently.
Release More Frequently
An automated deployment mechanism allows for a single deployment to take place, all without a high overhead. Best of all, a release process can be conducted frequently, with low overhead. This also allows for more agility when it comes to developing software.
Automated deployment allows teams to get feedback from their users on a more frequent basis, and it allows them to make changes to their approach. Feedback is important, and timely feedback is even more important. Remember, being able to implement changes as a result from feedback can mean a difference between a great product and a product that’s not so great.
Those are the top five benefits of automated deployment. There are many other benefits associated with automated deployment, but those are the main ones. If you want to experience those benefits, as well as many others, then you should stop doing manual releases and go automated. The sooner you go automated, the sooner you can experience the above benefits, and your organization will work in a much more efficient way.